Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chapter 5- Teaching with Software Tools: Beyond the Basic Programs

The three of the most widely used software:
            -word processing
            -database programs

Computers can enagage, motivate, and extend the way we think, act, and feel

6 general software support tools:
            -Material generators
            -Data Collection and analysis tools
            -Graphic tools
            -Planning and organizing tools
            -Research and reference tools
            -Content-area tools


Smart Draw

Desktop publishing- Uses a combination of software, microcomputer, and printers to let individuals become their own publishers.

(Page 143) Desktop publishing can help students in the classroom:
-Practice in grammar, spellng, and communcation (using communication to apply language skill to make brochures interesting).
            -Methods of reporting reseach findings
            -Opportunities for creative works

Test generator- Teachers inserts questions and the program prepares the test

(Page 145) Advantages of a test generator:
            -Test creation and revision procedures
            -Random generation of questions (helps with “wandering eye” syndrome)
            -Selection of questions based on criteria
-Answer key (helps teachers when the test is generated the correct answer is given to save teacher time.)
-Test item bank

Different generators:
-Test generator
-Online rubric generator
-Worksheet generator
-Puzzle generator
-IEP generator

Cloze means fill-in-the-blank

Graphic document maker- make award certificates and greeting cards
PDF and Forms maker- viewing and sending document as images

(page 147) Data collection and analysis tools include
            -Electronic gradebooks
            -Statistical packages
            -Student information systems
            -Online and computer-based testing systems
            -Student response systems

Tom Snyder’s Graph Master and The Graph Club 2.0

(Page 153) Teachers feel students are more motivated about writing their own stories when they can illustrate them. Teachers also feel pictures make flyers; books, etc look more professional.

Centron’s Lesson Power



Teacher Planet

Computer-assisted design (CAD) more sophisticated graphic production tool that lets more precise drawings such as houses and cars.

Morphing- Is short for metamorphosing, which is an animation technique that makes one image slowly turn into another image.


Students who struggle with reading or writing can use text-to-speech such as StarChild

Reading tools to see student’s reading level and using methods such as cloze

Readability calculation software

Renaissance Learning’s Accelerated Reader

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